Recognizing Your Creative Thinkers Through Globe Awards

How do you encourage creative thinking in your business? Understand the traits of creative thinkers and how Globe Awards are representation of that.

Globe Awards Creative people often shake up outdated systems and offer new solutions. They offer a global perspective to linear thinkers. Because creative thinking involves risk, employees are often afraid to try new ideas. As the business world develops into a global community, the traits common to creative thinkers will become ever more important for … Continued

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Building Corporate Culture: When to Give Award Plaques

Wondering how to create a positive culture in your business? Get started with these ideas for corporate awards. Let Allogram help you with Corporate Awards

Corporate Awards Plenty of companies know they want to build a positive corporate culture but don’t know how. Creating an employee award program goes a long way toward building the habit of positive reinforcement and expressing appreciation for the work employees do. Let us help your business create an effective recognition program with our inventory … Continued

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Develop Leadership with Meetings


The secret to great leadership is not in hiring great employees. Instead develop your people. Even the best employees need your help realizing their potential. Your business needs a work environment where people can evolve with you as they help your business grow.

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The Power of Recognition


Despite popular belief, money isn’t the best way to recognize superior performance. In fact, research shows us that the number one reason people leave jobs is “limited recognition and praise.” Issues such as compensation were all deemed less important than recognition.

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