Buy Trophies and Crystal Awards From Allogram


Do you want to make your special occasion memorable by rewarding your employees with trophies or crystal awards? Do you want to satisfy and motivate your employees? Do you want to impress your friends? We all have sweet memories.  Let Allogram help you make memorable events.  We feel proud while getting appreciation for our achievements. Most … Continued

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The tax benefits of giving awards


Companies who implement recognition strategies throughout their organization yield higher performance, retention, and safety levels versus those using other forms of incentives.  The IRS sees the value of employee recognition and makes specific allowances for deductions. Employee recognition awards that involve money are taxable, both as income for the employee and as compensation for the employer. … Continued

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Create a Recognition Program – it’s easy!


Creating a recognition program is simple.  Be creative.  Have fun – make it a party!  It is a celebration of success.  Enjoy it. A recognition program is an important and effective tool for motivation.  Effective motivation enhances the employee’s sense of accomplishment, contribution, involvement, and satisfaction. Motivating and recognizing employees is vital to the development of … Continued

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How Gratitude Increases Job Satisfaction and Productivity

What are the most effective motivators at work? The research is in and you may be surprised what works best for workplace gratitude.

Workplace Gratitude It’s reasonable to assume money is a highly effective motivator. However, a recent article in HR News explains why money may not be the best incentive. So, what does motivate people at work? The answer is less tangible than money that can be expressed through appreciation plaques. The answer is in the small … Continued

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